The 7 Training Mistakes You’re Making (and How to Fix ‘Em)

Mistake #1: You let your ambition get the best of you.
“When you first start running, it’s tempting to think that once you’ve run two miles, you can try to run three the next day,” says Rowley. “But if you’re new to running, or you’re just coming back from an injury, that 50 percent increase is too much.”
Reel it in, speedy! The best way to build up stamina without causing injury is to gradually increase your mileage. Try running the same weekly distance for two weeks in a row before increasing your mileage very gradually. Many running experts suggest adding only ten percent of your weekly mileage to the next week’s total.
Mistake #2: You’re in Beast Mode every time you run.
We get it — you want to annihilate every workout! Many runners try to make every run faster than the last. But if you try to run at top speed every time, you’re going to get too tired, which means that you’ll likely be too drained to run the next day. You’ll also be too worn out to maintain good form while running — a one-way ticket to Injuryville. Hard runs should only be a small part of your training plan, and (like mileage) should be introduced gradually to help your body adapt.
Most of your runs should be at a conversational pace, says Rowley. If you can talk to someone while running without gasping for breath, you’re at a comfortable pace for your body. Regularly running at this speed means that you’ll be able to adequately recover so you can safely run multiple times a week.
Mistake # 3: You’re a one-trick pony.
Although clocking miles and improving your running is a goal for you, sticking to a running-only fitness plan won’t allow you to see results as quickly. Once the body is used to a particular workout, muscles aren’t as engaged, and therefore will not work as hard as they once did. To get the most out of your training, supplement your runs with cross-training activities like swimming, cycling or weights.
Yes — we said weights! Runners, especially female runners, tend to shy away from the weight room. “One of the biggest mistakes I see women make is their belief that strength training will make them big or bulky — which is completely false.” Rowley asserts. “Strength training is the best way to boost metabolism and maximize calorie burn both in and out of the gym. Just sticking to running can actually cause you to lose muscle by burning away the muscle instead of fat.”

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